Two Case Studies with Real Clients: Personal Branding Coaching Calls Stop holding yourself back, overcome self-doubt, fulfill your potential, be unstoppable You want to be confident so you can stop holding yourself back from your dreams. So you can stop setting goals that you never actually reach. So you can be brave enough to take the risk and go for it. So you can stop playing small and actually reach for the potential you know that is trapped within you. You owe it to yourself to develop a mindset of true confidence. If you do you’ll find that: Instead of feeling socially anxious and dependent on the positive judgment of others in order to feel good about yourself, you’ll learn how to feel deeply confident even in the face of rejection and criticism. Instead of sugar coating your flaws and failures , you’ll develop healthy self-esteem built upon true unshakable confidence. You’ll feel good about yourself in a way that doesn’t get knocked down by failure or judgment. Instead of shrinking back from risk or being crushed by failure, you’ll learn how to turn challenges and setbacks into the fuel you need to ignite your life. Instead of wasting energy trying to avoid revealing your weaknesses, you’ll know once and for all that your TRUE strength lies in your ability to improve and move forward no matter where you are now or what stands in your way. Instead of arguing for your limitations and holding back your true gifts for fear of failure or ridicule, you’ll develop such a strong belief in your own potential and that nothing, NOTHING, has the power to hold you back anymore. You’ll be unstoppable! In this course we’re not going to offer you a quick fix or an ego boost. We’re going to dive deep into the most up-to-date leading edge research into the psychology of success and what creates genuine, long-term, unshakable confidence. In this course, you’ll learn: The #1 core underlying belief that unlocks genuine confidence—the growth mindset The biggest traps of self-doubt a nd how overcome them Powerful tools for taking action even when you feel paralyzed How to take your power back How to overcome fear of failure, risk, and change
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    **Course Updated - Oct 2018** To have a breakthrough in YOUR happiness and emotional well being... All you have to Do is CHANGE YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM/THOUGHT PROCESS Have you ever thought what causes someone to persist when another would give up? What causes a person to focus and utilize all their resources towards a goal?   What ultimately creates the difference between happiness and despair? The answer is beliefs. Just Imagine, can there be anything more important than our thought process and our own thoughts? Our thoughts create our reality, the reality that we live in and spend majority of our most valuable time. More importantly, the quality of your thinking determines the quality of your life. Our day-to-day thoughts creates the beliefs that we process and these beliefs makes us who we are (in a good way or in a bad way). Our thought process is actually something that we are engaged in every day of our lives, yet we always take it for granted without even acknowledging the fact that what ever we are doing and how ever we are feeling (emotionally) is totally dependent on our thought process and It is completely in our hand to make a difference in our life with our thinking pattern. Changing beliefs/thought process isn’t easy. Despite what some authors and speakers tell you, deeply ingrained beliefs aren’t going to disappear with one magical technique or method. But if your happiness and success is important to you it can be done. In this course, you will learn the complete 'blueprint' to free yourself from the tyranny of thoughts that limit your achievement. The aim of this course is to be thought-provoking and this in return will help you to become aware of your thinking pattern and to control your thoughts instead of being controlled by them... So, to have a breakthrough in YOUR happiness and emotional well being... All you have to Do is CHANGE YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM/THOUGHT PROCESS
      September 2020 Updated ***** Top 50 Udemy Authors in the Business Finance Industry - eSkillsToday Award ***** ***** Ricardo is one of the best Instructors and my favorite when we are talking about Passive Income and Business Development. Hands down. - Mike Robinson ***** __________________________________________ Who is this course for and why you should take it (in 1 minute): Hello and welcome to the Course, where I’ll take you through the entire process of thinking on a different new way, the way that rich successful people do, from scratch.  My name is Ricardo Ribeiro and I’m an awarding winning Instructor in the Business Finance Industry, with more than 15 years experience, owner of several successful businesses, with thousands of dollars made on Passive Income, and an enthusiast of Personal & Business Development. This certified course is for you that seeks to improve your life. Throughout the course we will cover techniques used by Successful people and professionals in NLP and Coaching throughout the world, and walk you through a step-by-step process for creating new habits in your life while removing others, that you will successfully improve the way you see the world and your relation with money and… I’ll even include a few “secrets of the pros.” -------- Millionaire minds think different, and so can you. Do you know why some people are such a success and make such money and you don't? Why everything they touch turn into gold? Why they seem to have born with a lucky star? Well, I do. What I will be telling you on this course will change your life forever . It is proven that Millionaire Minds think different from others. You will learn what is the SECRET of rich people, and how, at the end of this course you can start thinking and being one of them. This is the course for you. Do you want to have the ability to create more money in your life? want to improve your life in general and be happier? If you want to change your life for better, start having success and stop counting cents every month, I will share the secret of rich people, for you to achieve all your goals in life and create wealth . You will have the confidence to launch that business or investment you've always wanted but were afraid, make more money and feel better about yourself and others. This course was created using only the best Coaching and NLP - Neuro-Linguistic Program techniques that are available, and that is real groundbreaking and helpful to you as you will only learn what it is proven, by the personal development community, to works best. This means that you will save yourself from long and hard hours taking seminars, courses or reading hundreds of books, like I did. You will see significant improvements on all areas of your life , health, wealth, career, relations (family and friends), knowledge, love, creativity, travel and personal grow. At the end of this Certified Course, you will be able to take control of your life and improve your financial situation in a way that you thought it wasn't possible . It is structured in the simplest and cleanest way in order to be understandable and to engage you into completing all the self reflexion exercises that are asked. You will be provided with powerful and useful tools, resources and eBooks for achieving your success , for you to gain conscience of what you are doing wrong and it is keeping you from fulfill your goals, and what you can start doing right now so that you can use all your potential and and achieve success. I'm here to help you and I'm available to answer your questions and advice you along the way. Together we can make sure you have great success in your life. Thanks for your interest in this course. I put my hearth and soul on everything I do so you have my personal guarantee that you will absolutely love it as the happy students already enrolled, or you have 30 days money back guaranteed with no questions asked , so… you have nothing to loose. I hope you’re as excited as I am!  If you’re ready to learn more and sign up for the course, go ahead and hit that Enroll button , or take a test drive by using the Free Preview feature. See you in the course!
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        Below I'm going to share with you the biggest idea from this course . You can walk away with this idea and transform your life starting now or you can take the rest of the course and let me help you really dive in. I read a book called Learned Optimism and in this post I'm going to share with you one very big idea from the book to help you stay away from negativity so you can achieve your next big thing in life . Answer this question: Are you pessimistic or optimistic? Think about that carefully. Before I read this book “Learned Optimism," I thought I was an optimist. I figured I would just learn a thing or two to help me become better. When the author asked these questions, I said to myself: There's no way I am a pessimistic person . I mean, people like me. I'm nice. I'm achieving some of my goals. Can't be me. But after I picked up this book and continued to read and take some of the tests developed by psychologist Martin Seligman. Guess what?? I was wrong. Totally wrong! It turned out that I actually had pessimistic tendencies which was preventing me from achieving my other goals. Obviously this bothered me because Seligman says that there's evidence that people who are pessimistic are more prone to depression and more prone to negative consequences . So as you can see, I was not only flabbergasted, but I wanted to learn, very fast, how I could escape any possibilities of a mental prison of negativity. I wanted to be more optimistic in life and positive! But not in that phony way. In the way that made sense and was a little realistic. Not only because success is tied to optimism , but also because pessimism is tied to depression and anxiety. I want to be better in life and more successful, I mean who doesn't, but I really want to avoid depression and anxiety. Don't you? Before I invite you to join me in this course I made for you that will dive into the big ideas from this book about how to become more optimistic so you can achieve your next big thing in life (and help protect yourself from mental and physical illnesses), how about I share with you one of the biggest ideas in this book. Here's the big idea that can save your life. Human beings can become helpless. Not just people from certain countries who are imprisoned or starving, but people who are living decent lives. Now wait, let me explain, because this IS SERIOUS ! What Martin Seligman is saying (based on experiments and research) is that : You can become helpless in your mind without even knowing it . Here's an example. You feel sick, and your friend, or spouse tells you to go to the doctor. And you say, “I know I should, but he's probably not going to do anything. So it doesn't matter." Here's another example, You know you should stay away from eating too much cake, but you think I'll never really get in shape so who cares if I have a little cake. It won't matter anyway. Another example, you lost your job and you've been out of work for 3 months. You hear about this job opportunity that is something you really want. Everyone tells you to apply, but you start to think: “Well, I know I should, but it doesn't matter because what are the odds that I'll get the job. There's no point." You see a person you really want to meet and you want to approach them, but you're thinking she's not going to be interested so forget it. Now listen, even if you think: I don't do any of this, I'm really optimistic, I only see the bright things in life , trust me this gets more deep. We're just skimming the surface here. You see, Seligman has proven that you can become helpless in the mind depending on how you view different circumstances and events in your life. The thing that's really intriguing about all this is that sometimes you may not even know this negativity is happening to you. It can happen subconsciously due to things that happened to you in life and even the way people have treated you in the past. And this is not the only indicator that you may have a aspects of a helpless mindset that's not letting you live to your potential. There's more intricacies to this. This form of helplessness will prevent you from achieving the big things in life . It will also not grant you happiness. It perpetuates sadness, and stagnation. Let me help you more by sharing some of the other big ideas in this book so you can transform pessimism into optimism and achieve your next big thing in life. Want to learn more about how to do this, turning any underlying pessimism into optimism? Take this course. * And remember when you join, you're my student and we will interact. Ask questions anytime. I will also be adding new videos inside this course from time to time which you will get free lifetime upgrades for. * I also offer a 100% money back guarantee within 30 days. No Questions asked, except that I'd love for you to invest in yourself! Invest in yourself now and achieve your next big thing in life. Join this course now! See you on the inside.
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          This course was created before anyone even heard of the Coronavirus. As hundreds of millions face 'lockdown' and quarantine for extended periods, the timing (and need) for this course has probably never been so great. This online course was always designed to help develop a new approach to managing stress, improving well-being and mental health. In light of what is happening around the world, for those in self-isolation, the course is FREE (with lifetime access) until it has been completed.  If you think it could help, please feel free to share with family, friends and colleagues. We hope it helps you during these difficult times.
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            < < WELCOME TO THE SUCCESS AT WORK COURSE ON UDEMY > > Do you want to outperform your co-workers or simply show that you are the best at work? Then this course is perfectly for you. I will guide you step by step to success. After watching this course, you will know: How lay out the story for any kind of presentation and how to build an inspiring story around it by storytelling and many other great concepts. How to deliver your message in a way that your audience will be inspired and how to use your voice as well as your body language in a proper way. How to structure and run an effective meeting, how to keep people motivated and more important how to avoid that meetings eat up to much of your time. How you can use meetings to push your personal brand or simply show the whole room that you are the most inspiring person at this meeting. How to deliver fair but constructive feedback in a way that everyone can benefit from it and that no-one feels offended. How the best people are found for a job or position and what to do to stand out from your co-workers to really qualify for the next promotion. Taking this course is 100% free of risk ! If you are not happy with it, you can get your money back within the first 30 days of purchase. What are you still waiting for? ENROLL NOW and boost your future. What are the requirements? No prior knowledge or work is necessary to take this course. It’s good to have a pen and paper ready to take notes. Students of this course can also benefit from looking at mentioned resources on the internet. What is the target audience? Employees in all kind of fields that want to get promoted or change something in their job. Everyone who isn’t 100% happy in his job and wants to change something about that. People who plan on hiring employees and want to see business through their eyes. Everyone who is willing to improve his or her level of presenting ideas and projects.
              Welcome to An Abundance Mindset where you'll learn the mental strategies I believe are essential to experiencing abundance in all it's forms, from health, to relationships and even finance. This course was formerly called: Mindset of a 6 Figure Income Earner: How to Craft Yours Examine the course image more closely. Notice how there are many different emotions? How you feel about money is a clue regarding your current mindset. Your mindset is effecting your results ... for better or worse. This course covers: 1) how (I believe) an abundant mindset looks and feels . I'm giving you a pictorial representation of mindset (mindset is normally invisible) that's easy to work with, understand, and use to foster your mental changes. 2) how to craft your own abundance mindset. 3) what to do, and how to tell, when you don't know if you're mindset is changing. PLEASE LOOK OVER THE COURSE OBJECTIVES FOR MORE SPECIFICS ABOUT WHAT THIS COURSE COVERS. The information in this course is practical and applicable, immediately. I'm giving you the structure for our family money mindset— which contains the same components, the same structure, that I've discovered to be among many wealthy individuals. I explain the "wealth money mindset" in a simple way so you can see HOW it takes shape just by living a normal, everyday life. I teach you how an abundant mindset looks and FEELS. TAKE A FEW MINUTES AND WATCH THE FREE PREVIEWS RIGHT NOW TO GET AN IDEA REGARDING THE STYLE AND CONTENT OF THIS COURSE. Everything in this course can be applied immediately to help get on the abundant path you desire. It's specifically tailored for individuals with families—how I speak in the lessons and how I approach this topic—because this is how my husband and I work: partnership from the start . This is how I'm inviting you to enter this course ... as a partnership from the start (between you and I). If you're willing to put in the time and effort to create the results you want, I will be here to help you along the way. I am truly dedicated to your success! Consider this: A healthy, structured mindset is to success as teeth brushing is to nice smelling breath: ridiculously necessary. You're going to learn how to craft your strong, healthy and abundant mindset in this course. ***I realize money is a sensitive topic for many people. I want you to know upfront that this course is not about spouting doctrine I do not follow myself. It's also not a promise that you'll earn six figures ... or any figures for that matter. It's about abundance and abundance isn't only about money.*** It's about coaching you to a strong mental foundation, on a very practical level, so you can progressively move toward earning the income you desire. Earning a six figure income, which my husband and I have achieved for over twelve consecutive years, takes time and dedication. It takes being patient with yourself as you work out the kinks in your thinking, feeling, and actions. I know you understand when I say I make no promises of what you will ever earn. It's not up to me; it's up to you. Get excited you've found this course, if you're looking to create new outcomes this year for yourself and your family. You will love the simplicity of the ideas and exercises as you see the results in your own life unfold. I'm very glad to have you in class! Enroll today! What do you have to lose? ***This course is unique in that it's not just about earning a certain level of income. It's about learning to be the best version of yourself you can be in all areas of your life ... which translates to happy, health, and wealthy ... not JUST wealthy. Once you understand mindset in general, you can build a strong foundation around any topic you choose.***
                In this course titled ' Hypnosis - Learn To Create A Successful Pattern For A Richer Life '. By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn many self hypnosis techniques like - instant relaxation, anchoring , mind triggers and affirmations to achieve success in your life by creating a pattern of success . You will get a clear idea of what hypnosis and self hypnosis is all about and how it can be used to manage and control your thoughts and mind effectively to achieve great success in life. This course is ideal for business professionals and young entrepreneurs who want to achieve success at a very early stage in life . By taking this course you will be more confidence and think positive every time you take decision and move ahead in life This course contains more than 30 minutes of video content and designed over 7 lectures This course contains - Lecture 1 : Introduction Lecture2:About The Course And Techniques Lecture3:What Is Hypnosis And Self Hypnosis? Lecture4:Relaxation Using Self Hypnosis Lecture5:Relaxation Using Mind Trigger Lecture6:Affirmations And Visualization Technique To Achieve Success Lecture7:Summary
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                  Welcome to Rock Your Life! What topics does the course cover, exactly? Here are the sections we'll cover and their corresponding descriptions. I. What is Success? We'll explore success as the world sees it and compare and contrast to the Bible's version in order to learn a better method of self-measurement. II. Who are you? Section two explores the stuff that makes you, YOU. We'll look at our world view, character traits, self-worth and get the answer to why girls especially are on Satan's hit list. III. Where are you going? Alright, section three is all about YOU! We'll take the time to talk about your purpose in life, take inventory of your unique gifts, skills and interests and learn how to turn those things into a purpose statement and Godly goals that will guide your life choices! God's will for your life gets easier to define in this session! IV. How do you get there? Did you know that there are success principles that will ALWAYS WORK when you use them? Totally true– and I'm going to teach you my favorite 15 success tips to get you well on your way to achieving the life of adventure that God has planned for you. V. What about Relationships? There is no way I could have a class for young women and NOT talk about romantic relationships, so we'll answer questions about the purpose of relationships, the curse of Genesis 3, brain chemistry, how to break up well, what to do with guilt, and much more in this section. VI. Why service makes a difference! Many young women get signed up for service projects like singing in nursing homes or collecting canned food but they never see how it connects to the life of Christ, or how it can benefit them. In the course I line it all up and give them a template to complete their own projects! What benefits can I expect from “Rock Your Life"? 1. Confidence–there is an incredible confidence and attractiveness that comes when you learn about who God made you to be. 2. Better understanding of God's will for your life–we'll look deeply into your particular spiritual gifts, talents and passions and combine them with time tested success principles to map out your life purpose. 3. Money–no, it won't fall from the sky, but I have never known a college that didn't offer some form of scholarship to a young person involved in exceptional service. Since you'll have initiated your own project (don't worry, there is a step-by-step guide) you'll be in the running for these types of scholarships. 4. Great resumé builders–when you apply for a job, employers are looking at character and experience, and of those two character is infinitely more important. When you are able to put this course on your resume and list your service project as “volunteer work" you're gonna look like a great potential employee! 5. A support system–"A life of excellence is never built alone"–Me. Yep, I just quoted myself. Its true though! One of the benefits of “Rock Your Life" is that you're going to connect with excellent young women in other parts of the world. You'll be able to support and encourage and pray for each other long after you graduate the course. 6. A job or grad school reference–It would be a great pleasure to write you a letter of recommendation! I don't want to intimidate you, but I'll definitely be keeping track of your classwork. If you do excellent work, you can BANK on me writing a great letter on your behalf. What are the details? You can work on the course at your own pace, but it is designed to take about 6 weeks, plus a special project. There is a downloadable workbook for each section of the course with daily activities ranging from journaling, to listening and summarizing a song, to Bible Study, to craft projects. Rock Your Life is designed with mostly video segment introductions, personal reactions and hands-on exercises. There will also be some live sessions and there is a DIY service project requirement. Will I have anything to show for my hard work? Of course! Upon completion of the program you'll be sent a well-designed certificate of completion! Find Greater Than Rubies on facebook or online!
                    Why is it that some people are able to achieve so much success - in their personal, professional, social lives - whereas so many others are struggling? For example, when two people commit to a goal - say, to go to the gym and lose weight, why does one of them manage to follow through, and the other one doesn’t? What are successful people doing differently from the failures? How are successful people thinking differently from the failures? Are successful people wired differently from the rest of us? Is success simply encoded in their DNA? Or is it something else? And the more important question is: How can we get access to the magic ingredient that successful people have and add it to our own lives so that we too may experience more success in our lives? This short and practical guide will inspire you to rethink how you set and achieve your goals. In How Successful People Think Differently you will learn: •Why successful people say “I don’t” instead of “I can’t” • Why successful people never suppress their desires - and what they do instead •How successful people think smart • The “if-then” strategy that triples your chances of achieving success •The type of thinking that makes successful people successful in the first place •Why The Secret is setting you up for failure • The wrong (and the right) way to visualize your goals (this alone will be worth the price of the book!) •The right (and the wrong) type of thinking that either sets up you up for success or failure • Simple, and sometimes surprising, success principles to help you achieve your goals •And a lot more... In the last 100 years, science has made remarkable progress in unlocking the secrets behind successful people. Science has uncovered just how successful people think differently and how successful people think smarter than the rest of us. Unfortunately, a lot of this great, life-changing research is hidden inside dense, boring, hard-to read academic literature. Fortunately, I’ve gone through that research for you - and in this success course, you’re going to be getting access to life-changing tools and strategies that are scientifically-proven to help you achieve your personal and career goals, whatever they may be. A lot has been written about goal setting, achievement and success. A lot of this advice sounds good but is not very useful, such as “Never give up. Think positive. Take risks”. This short and fun course provides you with practical tools that you can use to change your thinking and change your life. Learn the science of success, and apply the success principles in this program to set and achieve your own goals, whatever they may be. Some success principles will provide validation of what you already think to be true (but didn’t have proof for), whereas other principles will surprise. Here’s the promise: All these principles are simple to apply, and if you apply them to your life, you will begin to experience more success in all areas of life. How do I know? Because I have proof (inside!) Just one idea in this course might be the inspiration and the spark of change you are looking for...just one idea can change your life. Now, does that sound good? Then enroll in the course and let’s get started.